We are a family who loves hospitality. We used to host friends for meals, host events for our neighborhood, have frequent back yard events and lots of overnight guests.
The past two years has stolen that part of our lives.
I can count on two hands the events we’ve been able to host or the times people have come into our house for a meal.
Where we live, our communities have been very cautious about spreading covid and it’s worked. But it’s also come at the cost of in person interaction or group time. I’m not saying it hasn’t been worth it, just that it’s also taken a toll and we’ve had to give up things we love in the process.
I’m am beyond grateful for social media and technology for the ability to connect with others. I’ve used it for years in my business and love it. I’m also an introvert so the less I have to leave my house the happier I am a lot of times. Being able to meet on a screen actually has an element of comfort and safety for me. It also takes less energy than being in a room with a lot of people. I’ve gotten used to it and even prefer it at times. I got comfortable and used to the more isolated life. It hasn’t been all bad.
However, what I started to notice the past 6 months was that I’m tired emotionally. I’m drained, have decision fatigue, and wary of online interactions because they can be volatile and frustrating. I have pandemic fatigue. It’s taken a toll on my mental health to be sure. Then add on top of that parenting kids in a pandemic and it’s another element of hard.
Where am I going with all this?……..
This month I had the opportunity to travel to an event for the first time. I also have connected one on one with multiple friends for lunch or coffee. I was reminded again how life giving it is to be in person with others. On line/zoom/Facetime is not a forever substitute for in person time with others. To sit across the table from someone and be able to hug them is the connection that I’ve needed and didn’t realize the toll it was taking to not have it.
Maybe you’re reading this and thinking “This is so obvious” and yes it is, but it’s easy to get into new patters and habits and just go through the motions to get from one day to the next. It’s easy when you’re feeling depressed to just continue to isolate.
It was a reminder to me that to really thrive, I need time with friends in real life. I like to think I’m fine without it, but that’s just not true. I need community to live fully and I’m sure you do too. God wired us this way.
My goal is to connect with at least 3 friends in real time each month. This takes work and intentionality but I’m committing to it.
Do you already do this? Do you need to reprioritize this in your life too?
Introvert or extrovert, the truth is that we need real, in person, authentic connections with people in our life to thrive. This isn’t new information for me for sure, but just because I know something doesn’t mean I live it out well (especially in stressful times). So here’s to a year of restoring some of those in person connections for me.
How are you doing making in person connections with others in your life? Is there anything you know you need this year to help you thrive?
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